Ġnien tal-Mall
Ġnien il-Foss tal-Belt Valletta - Ġnien Laparelli
Bażilika tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu
Pjazza Kastilja
Triton Square and Biskuttin Area
City Gate Housing Project
Ġnien tal-Mall
Ġnien tal-Mall


Ġnien il-Foss tal-Belt Valletta - Ġnien Laparelli
Ġnien il-Foss tal-Belt Valletta - Ġnien Laparelli


Bażilika tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu
Bażilika tal-Madonna tal-Karmnu


Pjazza Kastilja
Pjazza Kastilja


Triton Square and Biskuttin Area
Triton Square and Biskuttin Area

Bieb il-Furjana u l-Belt Valletta

City Gate Housing Project
City Gate Housing Project


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Merħba fil-Korporazzjoni għar-Riġenerazzjoni tal-Port il-Kbir

Il-Korporazzjoni għar-Riġenerazzjoni tal-Port il-Kbir għandha l-għan li twettaq il-viżjoni tal-Gvern għall-Port tal-Belt Valletta, li  tirrestawra u tirriġenera l-Port il-Kbir u ż-żoni tal-madwar.

Biex tinġibed l-attenzjoni nazzjonali u internazzjonali għar-riġenerazzjoni tas-siti għal investimenti potenzjali, żvilupp u attrazzjoni turistika.

L-Aħħar Aħbarijiet

L-Aħħar Proġetti

Midja Soċjali

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🗡️ Jean Parisot de Valette was a French nobleman and the 49th Grand Master of the Order of Malta from 1557 until his death in 1568. He is renowned for his leadership during the Great Siege of Malta in 1565, often regarded as one of the greatest sieges of all time. In 2012, a square in Valletta was inaugurated named Jean de Valette Square. It features a 2.5m high bronze statue of the Grandmaster, sculpted by Joseph Chetcuti. The statue depicts La Valette in armor, holding the plan of Valletta in one hand and a sword in the other. 🛡️ ... See MoreSee Less

🗡️ Jean Parisot de Valette was a French nobleman and the 49th Grand Master of the Order of Malta from 1557 until his death in 1568. He is renowned for his leadership during the Great Siege of Malta in 1565, often regarded as one of the greatest sieges of all time. In 2012, a square in Valletta was inaugurated named Jean de Valette Square. It features a 2.5m high bronze statue of the Grandmaster, sculpted by Joseph Chetcuti. The statue depicts La Valette in armor, holding the plan of Valletta in one hand and a sword in the other. 🛡️

When the night falls 🌙✨ #castillesquare

📷 @intl.fritzphotography
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When the night falls 🌙✨ #CastilleSquare📷 @intl.fritzphotography

🚪 Did you know? The history of Valletta City Gate spans centuries, with various designs since its initial completion in 1569. Its recent transformation aimed at preserving its rich heritage while adapting to modern-day needs. ... See MoreSee Less

🚪 Did you know? The history of Valletta City Gate spans centuries, with various designs since its initial completion in 1569. Its recent transformation aimed at preserving its rich heritage while adapting to modern-day needs.

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Today you can no longer call it a gate but a breach in the bastions! A late medeival walled city ruined!

Embracing the golden hour at Marsamxett in Valletta ☀️ ... See MoreSee Less

Embracing the golden hour at Marsamxett in Valletta ☀️

With a €2 million investment, the Msida Promenade has seen widened walkways, the addition of cycling lanes, and improved access for boat owners. About 350m of the area now features durable paving with porfido and hardstone, alongside new street furniture and lighting.

🌐 www.ghrc.gov.mt/projects/
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With a €2 million investment, the Msida Promenade has seen widened walkways, the addition of cycling lanes, and improved access for boat owners. About 350m of the area now features durable paving with porfido and hardstone, alongside new street furniture and lighting.🌐 www.ghrc.gov.mt/projects/Image attachment

Did you know? To honor the rich historical and cultural essence, 14 religious statues and wooden niches around the streets of Valletta were meticulously restored to their original beauty. The extensive restoration work brought back the grace they once had, paying homage to the deep-rooted traditions that make our community unique. ✨ ... See MoreSee Less

Did you know? To honor the rich historical and cultural essence, 14 religious statues and wooden niches around the streets of Valletta were meticulously restored to their original beauty. The extensive restoration work brought back the grace they once had, paying homage to the deep-rooted traditions that make our community unique. ✨

A monument to resilience and memories
📍Royal Opera House, Valletta
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A monument to resilience and memories📍Royal Opera House, Valletta

🌿 Did you know that the Laparelli Garden is named after Italian architect Francesco Laparelli, who was commissioned to design Valletta following the Great Siege of 1565? 🏛️ ... See MoreSee Less

🌿 Did you know that the Laparelli Garden is named after Italian architect Francesco Laparelli, who was commissioned to design Valletta following the Great Siege of 1565? 🏛️

Linking Valletta's storied past to its vibrant present 🛗🇲🇹

📷 @ccauchi
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Linking Vallettas storied past to its vibrant present 🛗🇲🇹 📷 @ccauchi
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