Ġnien tal-Mall
Valletta Ditch Garden - Ġnien Laparelli
Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Basilica
Castille Square
Triton Square and Biskuttin Area
City Gate Housing Project
Ġnien tal-Mall
Mall Gardens


Valletta Ditch Garden - Ġnien Laparelli
Valletta Ditch Garden - Ġnien Laparelli


Our Lady of Mt. Carmel Basilica
Basilica of Our Lady of Mount Carmel


Castille Square
Castille Square


Triton Square and Biskuttin Area
Triton Square and Biskuttin Area

Floriana and Valletta City Gate

City Gate Housing Project
City Gate Housing Project


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Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation

The Grand Harbour Regeneration Corporation aims to undertake Government’s vision for the Valletta Harbour, the restoration and regeneration of the Valletta Grand Harbour and the surrounding areas.

To attract national and international attention for the regeneration of sites for potential investments, development and tourist attraction.

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Ix-Xatt tal-Pietà issa ġie riġenerat kompletament, u dan il-proġett ambizzjuż ta nifs ġdid lil din iż-żona importanti. 🌿 Il-proġett, mifrux fuq kważi kilometru, inkluda faċilitajiet ġodda bħall-passaġġi siguri għaċ-ċiklisti 🚴‍♂️ u għan-nies bil-pass 🚶‍♂️, kif ukoll it-tħawwil ta’ 500 pjanta, installazzjoni ta’ bankijiet ġodda, dwal moderni, railing galvanizzat u sistema ta’ irrigazzjoni innovattiva.

Ix-Xatt issa joffri passaġġ kontinwu tul ix-Xatt ta’ Marsamxett, fejn ir-residenti u l-viżitaturi jistgħu jgawdu ambjent aktar sigur u attraenti.

Wara dan il-proġett, il-GHRC ser tagħti bidu għar-riġenerazzjoni tal-Ġnien tal-Marina. Dan il-ġnien ta’ madwar 4,400 metru kwadru se jinkludi passaġġi ġodda, restawr tal-funtana eżistenti, kif ukoll installazzjoni ta’ bankijiet u sistema tad-dawl ġdida. 🌳
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It would be great if all coastal promenades from Valletta to St. Julians can be eventually all linked up. It would create an ideal walking alternative for people living/working in the area.

An architectural wonder
📍Laparelli Gardens
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An architectural wonder
📍Laparelli Gardens

Valletta's gateway
📍Valletta City Gate
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Vallettas gateway
📍Valletta City Gate

🚴‍♀️ Did you know? The Msida Promenade project was not just a beautification venture. It included the introduction of cycling lanes, widening the promenades, and improving access for boat owners, all with a €2 million budget. ... See MoreSee Less

🚴‍♀️ Did you know? The Msida Promenade project was not just a beautification venture. It included the introduction of cycling lanes, widening the promenades, and improving access for boat owners, all with a €2 million budget.

The Mall project in Floriana saw a €5 million investment to rejuvenate this historic garden area. The initiative included new irrigation and lighting systems, alongside the fresh paving of 7,500m² space, enhancing the connection between the Argotti area to Valletta's entrance.

🌐 www.ghrc.gov.mt/projects/
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The Mall project in Floriana saw a €5 million investment to rejuvenate this historic garden area. The initiative included new irrigation and lighting systems, alongside the fresh paving of 7,500m² space, enhancing the connection between the Argotti area to Vallettas entrance.

🌐 www.ghrc.gov.mt/projects/Image attachment

📍The House of Catalunya ... See MoreSee Less

📍The House of Catalunya

🗿 Did you know that the area known as Biskuttin Garden is notable for its bronze statue of Christ the King by Antonio Sciortino, which commemorates the XXIV Eucharistic Congress held in Malta in 1913. 🙌 ... See MoreSee Less

🗿 Did you know that the area known as Biskuttin Garden is notable for its bronze statue of Christ the King by Antonio Sciortino, which commemorates the XXIV Eucharistic Congress held in Malta in 1913. 🙌

Senglea Bastions - a fortress of heritage 🏰 ... See MoreSee Less

Senglea Bastions - a fortress of heritage 🏰

A bird's-eye view of Valletta's Entrance
📍Tritoni Square
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A birds-eye view of Vallettas Entrance
📍Tritoni Square

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There are dead Holm oak trees about 4 two have been dead for over a year and never replaced! Can the dead ones be removed and replaced also the area is very dirty paving never cleaned!